The world has so many things to offer and so many lifestyles to choose from. Why not choose the best one? The lifestyle that can bring change, truth, and ultimately eternal riches.
In John 14:1-14 (TPT), Jesus is having a conservation about going to prepare a place for us in heaven, one that we'll be able to claim when all is said and done. In verse 5, Thomas, one of His disciples asks "how could we know the way there?" Jesus then says, “I am the Way, I am the Truth, and I am the Life. No one comes next to the Father except through union with me. To know me is to know my Father too." So He makes it clear that in order to get to the eternal place that He's preparing for us, we must follow Him. We must follow His way of living, while acting in the truth He gives, and that this is the lifestyle that we must live. Jesus says that He is the three of these things because other people will claim to have the answer to these things but only His way is true!
Jesus says, "no one can come to the Father" by going any other way--by believing any other "truth"--by following the lifestyles of the world. So the life we live right now must be through Him and by Him alone! Our lives must be lived following the way Jesus lived His. The everyday life of Jesus involved doing the will of God. So we must do the same, whatever that may look like. The truth He believed about His purpose and identity was unphased despite the talk of the religious leaders and other people that believed something contrary to what Jesus preached. The decision to follow Jesus is easy but the discipline needed is easier said than done. Jesus' life was about sacrifice. He denied His flesh (His human side), in order to accomplish His God-given purpose. As far as us, we must do the same. We must get out of ourselves and get in-tune to what God's plans are for our lives.
We can have things we may want for our lives but ultimately, it's not all about what we want but what God wants. We must live our life with the goal and privilege of pleasing God. And to do this, we must commit to following His way, the truth from His Word, and the behaviors of His life. These things can be observed in more detail, in the four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.