A pivotal action in our Christian faith is sharing it. This is important because Jesus says that the end of the world, and therefore His return won’t come until the Gospel has reached every person (Matthew 24:14). Knowing this, I thought I would give some tips on Evangelism based off of God’s direct commandments in the Bible, and my personal experience.
1.) Have Compassion
Matthew 9:36-37
“When He saw the crowds, He felt sorry for them. They were troubled and helpless like sheep without a shepherd.”
→ Jesus had compassion on the people who didn’t know Him and were living in sin. We must do the same, and be compassionate towards the people we evangelize to.
2.) Give truth mercifully, and in love
3.) Have patience and even more stability in God
4.) Never stop teaching the ways of Christ
5.) Always pray for people and opportunities to share the Gospel
6.) Rely on BOLDNESS from the Holy Spirit

Ways to share the Gospel
You giving the Gospel and/or your testimony to one other person.
Christian Apparel
Wearing Christian apparel with messages about Jesus and the Gospel can help in starting conversations about the Gospel.
Praise and Worship Songs
Singing praise and worship songs can help welcome in the Spirit of God into your midst and of those you are presenting your musical gift to. This can prompt them to want to know Jesus more because of the peace and love they have experienced during your praise and worship.
Preaching to a church congregation
Preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a church congregation can be helpful for Christians as a reminder of God’s goodness, and can also serve as Good News for those in the church who have never heard it. This can lead to people dedicating their life back to Christ, or giving their life to Him for the first time!
Preaching to a congregation of unbelievers
Similar to preaching to a church, except that with this audience, the knowledge of Jesus Christ and sin overall, can be very limited.

While sharing the Gospel can be done alone, it is wise to go with a partner or partners in the faith. This makes room for someone to be interceding (praying for) the other person as they share their faith. It also is a safer option, and can serve as an outlet for accountability of a person sharing their faith well. If someone goes with you as you witness, you can go based on your knowledge about the gospel, but also the knowledge of the other person. You may know more scriptures about certain things than the other person, in which you can then assist them, and vice versa. Jesus even sent His disciples out to evangelize in groups of two, giving them authority (Mark 6:7).
As I grow in the ministry of evangelism, I'll be sure to give more tips and suggestions on here :) May you go in peace in whatever way the LORD leads you to evangelize and be a good witness for His Kingdom and Glory!